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Politics: Show Me The Money
Our political correspondent Catherine Feore takes a step back and asks if the EU is value for money.
Over the past couple of years, prime...
Politics: Ringing in the EU New
Catherine Feore casts an eye over the new boys and girls in the EU.
The October European Council has just come to an end. It...
Politics: Women in the race for EU top jobs
Politics: Catherine Feore looks into the not-too-distant future of the European Union employment merry-go-round and the women in the race for EU top jobs.
Politics: The EU in the year ahead 2019
Our politics correspondent Gerry Callaghan consults his crystal ball…
It seems like not a day passed in 2018 where Brexit was not at the forefront...
Politics 2018: A look at the political year ahead
In our regular politics page Gerry Callaghan takes a look ahead to the issues facing the European Union in 2018.
Over the past year, the...
European defence: The case for EU coordination
In his regular EU politics pieces Gerry Callaghan reports on the EU’s push for greater European defence coordination.
The European Union has called on member...
European angst: Populism, Extremism and Euroscepticism
Natalie Morris takes a timely look at European angst, a topic that will surely run and run.
On 7 December, I attended the last day...
World politics: The Russian Bear is back
Gerry Callaghan looks at Russia’s return to the world politics power table.
Russia is back as a major global player after decades on the sidelines...
EU politics: Cleaning up the lobby
Gerry Callaghan tracks a plan to make lobbyist activities more credible.
Lobbyists in Brussels have taken the unexpected step of acknowledging the way in which...
EU politics: Somewhere over the rainbow
In our EU politics series Gerry Callaghan looks at a report that shows there is much work to be done to stop discrimination.
Over the...