Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Xmas Concert: “Peter and the Wolf” and “The Snowman”

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For the Anglophone community in Brussels, the Children’s Charity Concerts in Auderghem have become a seasonal fixture and this year is no exception. But in 2012, in addition to our perennial Northern Hemisphere favourite “The Snowman”, impresario Mary Gow is presenting the children’s classic, Peter and the Wolf.

What is so magical about Peter and the Wolf is that it lives inside the imagination, traditionally prompted by the narrator and inspired by the music. Life isn’t great when you are incessantly picked on by the town bullies, live with a paranoid grandfather, and your only friend is a duck. This is life for Peter who longs for nothing more than to explore the wild and wonderful forest and one day the temptation proves too much and he stumbles headlong into a wilderness that holds both joy and danger.

“The Snowman” by Raymond Briggs and Howard Blake will be performed in the second half – it is the story of the boy who build a snowman who comes to life and takes the boy on many adventures. The famous solo”We`re walking in the Air” will be sung by Brussels student Robin Nixon.

The Instrumental Soloists from the Opera orchestra, will be conducted by Philippe Lambert with Mary Gow on piano. The pieces will be narrated in English by Ian Forrester QC. Both stories are accompanied by still and moving pictures and will form a glorious Christmas musical outing for chlidren of all ages

The Children’s Charity Christmas Concert presents “Peter and the Wolf” and “The Snowman” at Auderghem Cultural Centre on Saturday 9 December 2012, Boulevard du Souverain 183 Auderghem 1160

Performances at 2:30 PM and 5:30 PM

Tickets – 15 euros adults and 12 euros (children under 12)

Available from bxlsnowman2012@gmail.com

Info from marygow@gmail.com



Auderghem Cultural Centre, Brussels, Brussels