What Do You Think About The Sound Of Your Voice?


The rich harmonic content of textures and colours of the human voice is your primary communication tool, enabling you to motivate, lead or inspire others whether in negotiations, presentations, conference calls, interviews or in the televisual medium. Speaking with confidence and ease is an essential skill for today’s diverse business world.

Ask yourself:

How would other people describe your voice?

Do you speak too fast, or in a m-o-n-o-t-o-n-e or high pitched voice?

If you could change something about your voice, what would it be?

You are the master of your own voice. Learning to educate and optimize your voice to its maximum potential is a lifetime investment – and you can discover the full potential of your voice with the innovative, creative and effective methodology of Ask Your Voice. Marie Terese Letorney is an internationally acclaimed opera singer and a guest soloist with Europe’s finest orchestras for 20 years. Based on her international experience and classical training and as the founder and managing director of Ask Your Voice, Marie Terese has developed an innovative high-quality patented method that is effective and creative. It helps optimize your speaking voice to its maximum potential. With her unique combination of a B.A. Music Degree and a Master’s Degree in Management from Boston University-Brussels, she has further developed her Ask Your Voice method for the professional voice. As Marie Terese explains: “As a voice consultant, my reward is helping my clients to discover the beauty, power and many colours of their voice. The human voice is the most important tool for communication, especially in today’s diverse, globalized world. Remember, your voice is your identity, your brand!”

Together has teamed up with Ask Your Voice to offer three of our readers the chance to win a voice enhancing consultation session. To enter, all you have to do is send your answers to the two simple questions below, along with your name, address and daytime telephone number, to info@togethermedia.eu, and label your email Ask Your Voice Competition. The deadline for all entries is 30th April 2011, when the winners will be selected at random. Good luck!

  1. Who do you think is a great speaker?
  2. What is the title of the lead story on www.togethermag.eu today?


Ask Your Voice is a proven method for all languages – seminars, master classes, and individual coaching.

T. +32 0475 480 230

