ADAM: SPACES Interior Design Evolution


ADAM – Brussels Design Museum is currently showing an exhibition about how we have been shaping our interiors from the traditional house to the industrial loft.

The layout of our interiors reflects our civilisation’s huge social upheavals and technological advances. The exhibition SPACES. Interior design evolution retraces the development and layout of interior spaces. The development of electric lighting and mass-produced furniture, together with the emergence of electrical household appliances, have transformed the interior architecture of our homes, altering the way in which we inhabit, approach and understand space.

Whether it be the arrangement of circulation areas, or developments in interior design and furniture, what can interiors and their layouts tell us about people’s lifestyles, thoughts and behaviour?

ADAM – Brussels Design Museum
29.05.2019 – 3.11.2019
Place de Belgique 1 Belgiëplein

1020 Brussels