Belgium art: Brussels Art Walk collectors show

BELGIUM ART BRAFA BRUSSELS Galerie Alexis Bordes Alphonse Osbert Paris, 1857-1939
Galerie Alexis Bordes Alphonse Osbert Paris, 1857-1939

In our latest Belgium art article we look at Brussels Art Walk, supported by BRAFA.

From Thursday, February 17th until Sunday, February 20th, 2022, in Brussels, collectors and art lovers will be able to meet up and discover the most beautiful pieces exhibited by 36 galleries who are represented at Brafa. This initiative, called the Brussels Art Walk, supported by BRAFA, was proposed by several Brussels dealers who will welcome their Belgian and foreign colleagues to exhibit in their galleries.

8 Parisian galleries and 1 London gallery will feature amongst these 36 participants. The Brussels Art Walk, supported by BRAFA, will mainly take place in the Sablon, in the lower part of the city, as well as in the galleries on both sides of the Avenue Louise.

The philosophy
The initiative aims to support Brafa exhibitors by offering them additional visibility, but its objective is also to maintain a link with collectors and to reach a new audience. It favours conviviality and exchanges, essential in these times of restrictions. Nothing beats the emotion experienced in front of a work of art! The galleries are well aware of this, and since Brafa 2022 has been postponed to June 19th-26th, they will present a sample of what the fair brilliantly succeeds in delivering every year: a perfect blend of styles and eras, a true journey through time and across cultures.

Harold t’Kint de Roodenbeke, the Chairman of Brafa, explains: “We have colleagues from Ghent, Paris, London who will take up residence in galleries and exhibition spaces in the centre, in the Sablon, and near the Avenue Louise. This circuit promises to be a joy for art lovers, who will rediscover the eclecticism of Brafa, since the dealers will exhibit their most beautiful pieces from the fields of ancient, modern and contemporary art, tribal art, archaeology, furniture from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, sculptures, silverware and porcelain.”

Opening dates and hours
Thursday February 17th, 2022 2pm-9pm
Friday February 18th, 2022 11am-6pm
Saturday February 19th, 2022 11am-6pm
Sunday February 20th, 2022 11am-6pm
Access: You can download a map here:

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