Buying property: Learn how to anticipate changing markets

BUYING PROPERTY Stepping up the ladder
Stepping up the ladder

In our latest Buying property article real estate expert Yannick Callens explains how important it is to anticipate changes in the market.

The year 2022 brings with it many surprises, some good and some not so good. We are all affected directly or indirectly by what is happening in the world and not just by what is happening in our pretty little country of Belgium.

Inflation is currently running at full tilt, and we are already seeing interest rates go up for mortgage loans. Loans that we need for the purchase of real estate among other things. The change is already being felt and this is only the beginning. Hang on!

The price of materials is rising. A double-digit increase currently in percentage terms. And you will still be happy if it is in stock. The delays are becoming longer and longer. Hold on! 

Taking account of all this, what I want is to send you a message: to anticipate as much as possible now. Whether this is for real estate or everything that goes around it.

Inflation has never been so high since 1981.

As far as real estate deals are concerned, the market is bearing up well. Buyers are anticipating the rising rates by positioning themselves as quickly as possible.

This is even why today many houses and apartments go on sale higher than the asking price.
The reality is also that banks are being more and more difficult if you want them to give you credit.

For example, with a purchase of €400,000 you will have to, in a normal scenario, provide nearly €135,000 in equity.

Are there still opportunities in real estate? Of course! But it is up to you to make the difference. And to get different results, you must do things differently.

Do not forget that everything is temporary. If you do not feel comfortable in your current circumstances, wait a bit, but not too much! As long as you are going in the right direction, that is the most important thing.

In the coming months, we will be able to see if the real estate market will continue as it is or, I doubt, that we will see the market slow down.

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