Monday, September 9, 2024
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Photographer Stephanie Cornfield’s celebrity portraits

“I went to the first Gulf War, to Israel, with my then boyfriend who was a war reporter,” says Stephanie Cornfield. “In fact, I...

Hugh Jackman talks Wolverine, ‘healthy ambition’ & marriage

Hugh Jackman is one of those exceptional human beings whose personality is endlessly good-natured and gracious. Though he admits to having been an angry...

Angelina Jolie embraces the human journey

She may be preparing to take a step back from her acting duties, but Angelina Jolie is about to enjoy the greatest success of...

Feminist chops off Putin’s “head”

A feminist, member of Femen, destroyed Thursday the wax statue of Vladimir Putin in Musée Grévin with several blows from a wooden stake. She...

Star-crossed lovers: Burton and Taylor

If I asked you what you thought of Burton and Taylor you would be forgiven for imagining a rather smart bespoken gentlemen’s clothiers off...

Star-crossed lovers: Romeo and Juliet

And so, with a certain weary inevitability I suppose, given that it is the greatest love story ever told, a new version of William...

Star-crossed lovers: Antony and Cleopatra

"Upon her landing, Antony sent to her, Invited her to supper; she replied. It should be better he became her guest, Which she entreated....

Scarlett Johansson and Oxfam split over SodaStream

While many households use SodaStream every day, very few are aware of the origin of this machine that makes sparkling water. And every since...

Google in 2014: Gossip and personalities

Every year, Google announces its top searches. This year one name, Kim Kardashian, stands out, coming second in the personality searches behind Jennifer Lawrence,...

Stephanie Cornfield: Interview with a celebrity photographer

“I went to the first gulf war, to Israel, with my then boyfriend who was a war photographer but it wasn’t for me!” says...
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