Erotica and mythology museum to open in Brussels


The new museum will be located in Brussels’ elegant Sablon area. Behind the project is a former doctor who has been collecting erotic and mythological objects for several decades. 

The new museum will be housed in a building on the Sint-Annastraat, with three floors, each with around 30 m² of exhibition space.

The collection includes 150 pieces in ivory, 50 Japanese wood carvings, twenty paintings, bronze sculptures and around 100 other objects. One of the most remarkable pieces in the collection is a recently-acquired marble bust of the Greek Phrygian god Attis, who was both the son and the love of the god Cybele. The sculpture originates from Anatolia and was made in the 1st century BC.

The founder, Dr Guy Martens, believes that erotica and mythology go hand in hand. The word erotica comes from the Greek god Eros. The idea is to show what is sacred about love.

Museums of erotica already exist in other European capitals such as Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin.