Finish the year strong

Arnon Barnes

Arnon Barnes talks about the small wins to daring actions we can take to make our business better.

Let’s discuss your strategy on how to finish this year strong. While summer vibes might still be lingering in your head it’s good to shake things up and get serious about some courageous action and audacious energy to achieve your business goals by the end of 2023. Even better, let’s go for exceeding your own expectations.

“Sometimes it’s not the results themselves that are the driving force of your success”

To revisit your strategy and goals from an empowering perspective, it’s good to take a step back and focus on the business journey instead of the set goals. Because sometimes it’s not the results themselves that are the driving force of your success. Amazing results are inevitable when committed people do the work and pave the way with their motivation, talents, innovation, and persistence. In other words, let’s focus on you and your team.

Here are a few things you should consider on your business journey to get bigger & better results. 

Points of Innovation
Usually, business owners plan new launches or innovations to be executed far ahead. They often need time, funds, manpower, and partnerships to get new things off the ground. But sometimes, finding small innovations can be easy and fast, even fun. New things tend to bring excitement, so let that work in your favor. Get your team together and come up with 3 relatively small new things that can be implemented in the coming months. For example: add something small but useful to your product so your customers will love it even more. Or change something small in the way you work, add a new element to your promotions, or try making a sale in a fun way. Do something different, it will fire you & your team up.

“Get your team together and come up with 3 relatively small new things that can be implemented in the coming months”

I often see entrepreneurs stuck in a tunnel vision of big & scary goals while they don’t notice the small opportunities that might bring big results. Keeping an open mind to new things ahead refreshes our spirits and brings excitement and motivation. New things keep us connected reminding us there is always something new you can try or create. 

Points of Improvement

Next, let’s have a look at the existing business processes and find small improvements that can be easily achieved. It’s good to focus on both ends of your business, you and your team, and customers. Think of something that will speed up production, minimize paperwork, or just reorganize records. Maybe something like refreshing the look & feel of your online presence by adding an exciting element, asking your customers for feedback or finally adding automation in your purchasing process. Something that creates a more pleasurable workflow for your team will always translate into a happier customer. Improvement is usually a process of simplifying things. So, what can you simplify for your customer or within your own processes?

You see, we often tend to stick to our ways, even if they don’t work anymore. Answer a simple question: What can I improve today and implement within a week?  You will be surprised how your business can grow by you improving on small things. 

Points of encouragement

Let’s get personal because encouragement can go a long way. As with previous points, it’s good to focus both internally and externally: on yourself and your team, and on your suppliers, customers, and partnerships. Encouragement is often found in recognition and acknowledgement. So let your team know you see them, you see their hard work and their achievements. Ask for their ideas or just have a friendly chat. Send a handwritten Thank-you note to a customer or invite someone who supported you recently to lunch. And don’t forget yourself.

“Let your team know you see them, you see their hard work and their achievements”

Make a list of things you have achieved this year so far.  Things you’ve conquered, negotiated, disasters you’ve prevented, and deals you’ve made happen. And celebrate yourself and those wins.

You are here, you are doing your thing – you are amazing! Being an entrepreneur is not a walk in the park. It might seem so from a distance, but we know better. You know you can get where you want to be. You might not know how yet – but you know you will be there. You will find the resources, support, and knowledge to get to your dreams. 

Points of daring action

Now let’s talk action! Every time I’m hosting big events, I see a recurring issue with many entrepreneurs. They know what they need to do – but they don’t act on it! Taking action is an indispensable habit for every business owner. Taking daring action is a must for business owners that have big ambitions to grow and succeed. Usually, we tend to procrastinate especially when emotions get in the way. Fear of misfortune, fear of failure, lack of energy, persistent issues within your team, or simply a consistent flow of things gone wrong. 

Listen, all that shitstorm is a part of every business journey. Don’t get surprised by it – expect it. Every business owner knows – you will constantly be challenged if you want to achieve great things. So just know the challenges will be there, but they won’t necessarily hold you back. You learn to deal with them on the go. You learn to step forward through fear and do it anyway. You know some customers might get upset or won’t pay on time, but you will continue to serve anyway. Your team might change over time, but you will always find support to help you achieve your goals. Even if times do get rough… remember to keep taking action and move forward regardless.

Daring action has nothing to do with being blunt and fierce. It has more to do with you being resilient and true to your business goals and your talents. Daring action is challenging yourself to deliver on what you are good at. And if it backfires, well, in that case, you have found a way that is not working for you. Learn the lessons, lick your wounds & go again!

“Invest time in improving and simplifying processes, as you want your business to work smoother and more efficiently”

Daring action combines all the points above into a result driven business-growth-cocktail. Here is your strategy to finish this year strong:

Take time to identify new opportunities, as you know, innovation is important fuel for your business journey. Invest time in improving and simplifying processes, as you want your business to work smoother and more efficiently. Pay attention to people within and around your business, as they are the real assets of your success. Seal your business growth by taking consistent and focused action and wake up every morning being proud of being a business owner.

Interested to learn more about working with me, Arnon Barnes, on your next business venture? Contact us via or check out our website To stay inspired on all things Entrepreneurship and Leadership subscribe to our Instagram and follow us on Facebook or join our YouTube Channel.