Personal coaching: Be successful with the best self-help books


In our latest personal coaching article we recommend two more coaching books that will make you a better leader.

The team behind How Google Works returns with management lessons from legendary coach and business executive, Bill Campbell, whose mentoring of some of our most successful modern entrepreneurs has helped create well over a trillion dollars in market value.

Bill Campbell played an instrumental role in the growth of several prominent companies, such as Google, Apple, and Intuit, fostering deep relationships with Silicon Valley visionaries, including Steve Jobs, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt. In addition, this business genius mentored dozens of other important leaders on both coasts, from entrepreneurs to venture capitalists to educators to football players, leaving behind a legacy of growing companies, successful people, respect, friendship  and love after his death in 2016.

Leaders at Google for over a decade, Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle experienced firsthand how the man fondly known as Coach Bill built trusting relationships, fostered personal growth – even in those at the pinnacle of their careers – inspired courage, and identified and resolved simmering tensions that inevitably arise in fast-moving environments. To honor their mentor and inspire and teach future generations, they have codified his wisdom in this essential guide.

Based on interviews with over eighty people who knew and loved Bill Campbell, Trillion Dollar Coach explains the Coach’s principles and illustrates them with stories from the many great people and companies with which he worked. The result is a blueprint for forward-thinking business leaders and managers that will help them create higher performing and faster moving cultures, teams, and companies.

Intuit presents the Bill Campbell Coach’s Award to a select number of employees who excel in mentorship and growth, while promoting diversity and sense of community. In his honour, the National Football Foundation has issued the William V. Campbell Trophy since 1990 to the college football player with the best combination of academic, athletic, and community service achievements.

#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller
New York Times Bestseller
USA Today Bestseller

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