Personal development: Create massive change in your life

Photo Arnon Barnes

In our latest personal development article International Speaker, Peak Performance Trainer and Business Mentor Arnon Barnes talks about massive change

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you want to create a change? Maybe even open up a new chapter in your life, getting rid of the old and starting with the new? Lately, more and more people approach me because they unfortunately don’t know how to change their current life into the life they desire.

Here’s an experiment for you: walk over to someone in the street. Approach them with a smile and ask them kindly and gently “What do you want from life?” Big chance that you will probably be looking at someone that is in complete and utter shock. Most people simply have never even given a conscious thought about what it is they truly want in life. My point is that if you want to create change in your life, you’ve got to know what kind of change, specific change, you want to create, manifest and attract.

So, how do we create change? Well from my experience, the thing that has worked best for me and helped me create positive long lasting and impactful change in my life, has been to take myself out of my normal environment. Once a year, I go somewhere far and distant so that I can disconnect from all the BS and most importantly reconnect to myself.

Most people have a hard time trying to figure out how to create change, but let me tell you that creating everlasting, positive and impactful change doesn’t happen at home or in a restaurant whilst enjoying a sushi dinner. Lasting change happens outside of your comfort zone. Change is the one thing that is forever constant, while humans are always changing. We are always evolving, and the only question is “Into what and into whom?”

Photo Arnon Barnes

For me it is clear. I always want to change my life. I pride myself on being able to keep on playing a bigger game. You can too discover your mission, step into your power or simply change and get a different perspective on life. From my years of experience one of the best ways to achieve this is to get out of your comfort zone and more importantly go into an unknown environment.

Once a year, I give myself the gift of coming back to centre. Coming back into my natural power and allowing myself to make the positive and impactful changes that I know will shape me as a person and as a leader. I do this in my birthplace and the birthplace of all life on Earth: the wilderness of South Africa. For the last four years, I have even brought dozens of business owners, just like you, to the South African bush to experience the power of nature and reconnect to your true self through the Safari Leadership Experience.

So, some words of advice: seek change, desire change, look forward to change because change is a blessing in disguise. Most people fear change and have been stuck for years going nowhere fast. Don’t be that person. Get excited about change, embrace it, because with it brings the fruit of creation and the opportunities that you might have been looking for your entire life.

Remember either you change with life, adapt to life or you might fall into the trap of doing the 9 – 5 until you’re 65. And then you wake up one day with regret and a lot of unfulfilled dreams, aspirations and forgotten motivations, that you once held dear to yourself – now all lost in the abyss just because you were so afraid of change.

I invite you to welcome change in your life and all the good things that come with it. Yes, it might be scary at first, but remember the universe presents its toughest challenges to its strongest warriors.

Want to join Arnon in South Africa for the next upcoming Safari Leadership Experience? Contact his office via or check out his website

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