Sacred commerce: Being grateful


The food
Then, of course, the food! It’s OMG-MAZING! I mean can you imagine having a full body orgasmic experience just by sipping a latte? Ok, not just any latte, this one is ‘golden’, and it’s made of turmeric juice, honey, cinnamon and steamed almond milk. That’s it! No coffee, no tea, nothing – just ayurveda for the benefits of our beloved vehicle.

Café GratitudeOf course, the worldwide ecological misery is forcing us to try new means of sustaining ourselves so vegetarianism is a ‘must start now’ on a sacred business menu. On top of that, with all the GMO crops around, and we don’t know what they’ll be doing to us or our kids bodies, we better refrain from eating non-organic stuff too. The (mostly GMO) wheat in bread is no longer bearable either, and many of us are intolerant or even allergic to gluten nowadays. Not to mention milk that’s produced in huge quantities that adults just can’t digest it anymore. So no dairy for me, sir!

Here, of course, everything on the menu is gluten-free, organic, non-dairy and veggie (even vegan). And believe it or not, it’s all soooooo tasty! Mixes of grains, super foods, mostly raw vegetables arranged in a way that you never get bored. Some dishes will seem like a steak or a burger in your mouth. These people have been researching for dozens of years and have qualified for mastery.

And best of all, after eating, somehow you feel grounded. Not heavy at all, lighter, but open and mindful somehow. It’s as if you had ‘Prana’ in its material form. Heavenly! As they say: this is their expression of plenty, of abundance. It’s a celebration of our aliveness, generosity, and without needing to hurt ourselves anymore.

The ambience
Lastly, the ambiance. Everybody here is working on a project or discussing creative ideas, a film, or a new business. You can see friendships building around meaningful purposes, while treating each other with love and deep respect. People speaking with poise and delicate attention. This makes it a very luminous place, almost glowing. People shine and most of them have a very special aura around them (and I wasn’t smoking or high on incense sticks or anything). So THANK YOU. Feeling very grateful for this experience, for this place to exist. It has been life-changing and very inspiring.