Sarbani Sen: Rid yourself of limiting beliefs!

Sarbani Sen © Savitri Life Academy

What is high-potential activation? Sarbani Sen takes a look at how we are holding ourselves back and how we can free ourselves from negative habits.

“By operating on autopilot, we miss out on opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth”

‘High potential activation’ is an approach based on the idea that we under-function most of the time because we are in automatic mode. Being in automatic mode is a very common way of leading our lives. We know what time we get up, when to pick up kids from school, etc and most of the time we cut ourselves out from feeling or improving some aspects of our lives. That’s how we end up cluttering our homes, overeating or eating poorly, not making time to take care of our bodies and waiting till they scream with pain, or disease. By operating on autopilot, we miss out on opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. This constant state of under functioning can prevent us from truly living our lives to the fullest and achieving our full potential. It is important to break free from this cycle and actively engage in self-care and self-improvement, allowing ourselves to experience true fulfilment and happiness.  

“Activating our highest potential is getting back to our natural state of ease”

Activating our highest potential is getting back to our natural state of ease, to see the opportunities as they come, to understand the deeper meaning of things, to have more clarity about our lives, our relationships, to take better decisions. 

When we think of it, we are walking superheroes with unlimited potential but we don’t use the technology we are made of: intuition, intelligence, stamina, serendipity. These are states of higher consciousness. By tapping into these states of higher consciousness, we can unlock our full potential and experience a greater sense of fulfilment in our lives. It is through harnessing our intuition, intelligence, stamina, and serendipity that we can navigate challenges with ease and find true happiness in the present moment.  

How do we reach these states of higher consciousness ? 

We activate our highest potential when we get into a state of ease and joy. Ease is our natural default state, when we are fully ourselves, in the flow of life, confident of whatever happens trusting life, events and people around us. This is the state where we can create our biggest dreams. The opposite state is one of fear, judgment, self criticism or biased conclusions from our childhood. Many of us still struggle with emotions and ideas that were built during early childhood and that prevent us from achieving or living the life we truly desire. Most of us actually block ourselves and get in our own way most of our lives. Until we understand we need to clean out these old patterns, reboot our system and upgrade. By recognising and acknowledging these patterns, we can begin the process of healing and transformation. It is essential to let go of the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that hold us back, allowing space for new possibilities and growth.

“Many of us still struggle with emotions and ideas that were built during early childhood”

Through self-reflection, therapy, or personal development practices, we can gradually release these old patterns and replace them with empowering thoughts and actions. This journey of self-discovery and self-improvement enables us to create the life we truly desire and embrace our fullest potential.  

One of the methods for getting us there is kundalini yoga. It reactivates the neural pathway between the hypothalamus and pineal gland. It also helps manage the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, which are in charge of the sometimes reactive attitude we have in life, through breathing exercises and movement. 

Activating our highest potential means reconnecting to all the possibilities that life offers at any given moment; hacking our minds to step into the now. 

By tapping into higher consciousness, we can experience a heightened sense of awareness and clarity, allowing us to make conscious choices and live a more fulfilling life. Kundalini Yoga serves as a powerful tool to awaken this potential within us, enabling us to access deeper levels of consciousness and unlock our true selves.  

“By utilizing a range of tools, we can create a harmonious environment that supports our personal growth and self-discovery”

To get there it is important to take some time to look into all the aspects of our lives that need decluttering. By utilizing a range of tools, we can create a harmonious environment that supports our personal growth and self-discovery. Additionally, exploring these different aspects allows us to identify any areas of imbalance or negativity that may be holding us back from reaching our true potential.  

You might wish to attempt the six steps to change programme if you feel ready to go on this path. This curriculum was thoughtfully chosen to support anyone wishing to begin the cleansing process in a structured manner. People who adhere to the six steps to transformation programme can acquire the skills and direction needed to successfully traverse their personal growth journeys. This programme provides a methodical approach that guarantees a thorough examination of many self-discovery areas, enabling participants to address any underlying difficulties and create constructive changes in their life.