We suggest four hot tickets.
Nick Cave and Seán O’Hagan
As part of the ‘Writers and Thinkers’ series, songwriter Nick Cave will discuss the book, Faith, Hope and Carnage. The book is based on more than 40 hours of conversation between Cave and journalist Seán O’Hagan. The book takes the reader from Cave’s childhood to today, passing through his loves, his work ethic and his spectacular transformation over the last few years following the death of his son Arthur: “It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That’s the deal. That’s the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable.”
4 June, www.bozar.be
Peter Gabriel
For the first time in almost a decade, legendary singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel is on tour again, with his new album i/o – lyrical, entrancing and touching on a wide range of issues that he is known for. Probably still best known for the songs that came from his absolute classic album So, from 1986, such as Sledgehammer, Don’t Give Up, and Red Rain, and the album Us (1992) which gave the world Blood of Eden and Digging in the Dirt, Gabriel is nevertheless one of the most influential and important musicians of modern music. Beginning as he did with Genesis back in the early seventies, he then became throughout his career a major proponent of world music. A wonderful opportunity to catch a music master at the peak of his powers.
6 June, Antwerp, www.sportpaleis.be
Tenacious D
Tenacious D are an American comedy hard-metal duo formed in 1994. Jack Black, who might be better known for his turn in the film The School of Rock, and Kyle Gass were actors who met in Los Angeles and discovered their love for mocking the genre that they very clearly love. They’ve since recorded four albums with memorable songs like One Note Song. If you enjoyed This Is Spinal Tap, you will be like a pig in clover.
13 June, www.foretnational.be
Van Morrison
He’s cranky, grumpy, curmudgeonly and a terrible moaner, but he’s also one of the greatest blues singers, songwriters and musicians of all time. Listen, none of us is perfect. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t care less if no one turned up to his concert, as long as he received his fee, but you would regret not going. Astral Weeks (1968), one of his first records, is considered to be one of the greatest albums of all time. He is also prolific: this tour marks his 44th studio album, Moving On Skiffle. It is a return to his earliest days as a musician when he set up a skiffle band in school – it sounds a bit more cheerful than recent offerings, but make no mistake, it’s still Van.
7 July, www.cirqueroyalbruxelles.be