Tag: writing
Books: Steven Pressfield – War of Art
Books: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
Think of The War of Art as tough love... for yourself.
Since 2002, The War of Art has inspired people...
Travel Writing: A Unique Sustainable Vacation
Responsibletravel.com, the pioneers in selling authentic and sustainable holidays, show us the way for a unique vacation.
Borneo: Borneo can be visited year-round - but this is the...
Personal Development: The Road to Writing PART II
Personal Development: The second instalment of Gemma Rose’s winding and probably interminable trajectory towards writing for a living...
Looking back on the last year, when...
Personal Development: The Road to Writing
Personal Development: In the first of two essays, Gemma Rose charts her winding and probably interminable road to writing for a living.
I am first...