Fashion tips: Yseult D. says: “Be a piece of art”


In our latest fashion tips, we look at the work of a Belgian photographer and silkscreen printer.

Yseult describes herself as “a photographer-traveler and photographer on silk”. She likes nothing better than to capture a moment “that I find ‘right’ at a given time”. Her starting point for making a photograph is a form of “intended luck”. She quotes Paul Eluard: “There is no chance, there are only appointments.”

And so she urges us to “be a piece of art”.

After many years in an aquatic environment, she decided in 2012 to take evening classes in digital photography: a year of intense technical learning with Pierre Scheys. In parallel, Yseult D. works with Marc Aghemio, a painter friend in Paris, who shares his historical experience of photography and helps her refine her artistic look.

Yseult D. continues to pursue her self-educated photographic adventure through her travels, meetings and daily walks: they “feed her gaze”.

She says: “Photography for me is like a hunt. The search to trigger at a specific time. I can stay hidden for a long time in a corner just waiting and then, suddenly, everything goes very fast. I make sure not to look at the picture and wait before discovering it at home on screen, and be excited or disappointed. I try to touch without editing. What I like about photography is the element of chance.”

She adds: “While working with digital material, I capture my images as in the days of argentic photography, that is to say, saving a maximum of my shots. I then try to place myself so as to best esthetize the scene, while remaining unobtrusive to capture the spontaneity of a situation. I work primarily with 50mm and 20mm which are my two favorite lenses.”

FASION TIPSSo where does the fashion come into all of this? “Because I want to give life to my pictures, also develop silk creations based on my photographs.”

In her collection you will find a full silk dress entitled ‘Wonderland’, using 100% Italian silk and high quality digital printing – each creation is part of a limited edition. One of the most interesting items is a silk top that will certainly make you stand. The ‘Personal Jesus’ top depicts a Christ figure falling dramatically against a startling gold background.

You can wrap yourself in scarves called ‘Street art’, ‘Flowers’ or ‘Windows’, or boleros – which sell out fast – such the ‘Leo’ with the striking image of lion’s face up close.

And of course, you can also do the old school thing and buy the photographs.