Global Woman Summit: 10 free tickets for women


You may be aware about our Global Woman Summit on 13-14 July in London. We have speakers and delegates coming from all over the world and for sure this event is going to change many women’s life.

We have received hundreds or emails and messages from women expressing the interest to join the Summit. A lot of them they already have taken actions and will be with us during this weekend, but many of them shared with us that they can’t afford the ticket price. Some women are doing great in their entrepreneurship journey but some of them have just started or are still in the transition of leaving something old to go, in order to allow something new to come. So we understand and empathise with women who are in this process, they need a hand, and we are all about lifting women up.

If you know a woman that is at this stage, I have a great news to share.

We are offering 10 free tickets for women who can’t afford to join the Global Woman Summit and invite them to have this amazing experience with us, so they can get inspired and can take actions from what they learn.

Please send an email to:

A panel will read their stories and 10 of them will be selected to join us completely for free at the Global Woman Summit, so their ticket of £297 +VAT will be waived. On arrival they will also receive a goodie bag and each of them will also receive a free coaching session from one of the speakers.

Please share your story with us, and why you would like to join the Global Woman

Can you please share this with women who you would like to join the Global Woman Summit, why you can’t afford it and how the summit could help you?

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Global Woman