Premenstrual syndrome: How to meet it head-on


In her premenstrual syndrome article Sarbani Sen challenges it to a duel…

As a woman, we regularly (I would even say monthly) experience a very striking event commonly called PMS (premenstrual syndrome). On my side, I observe that when my hormones are in shambles I become worried for nothing, more negative, lack of motivation, procrastination and very low self esteem. (By the way, this book taught me a lot about women’s cycles:

In order to counter the effects, I put myself in some challenging routines. Like getting up at 5am to meditate, perform Kundalini Yoga Kryas, do recalibrations (from Perelandra), yoga until 7am, running around the lake and other physical activities that would help ease the mind. But sometimes it does not change anything. I still suffer a fall of hormones, panic and distress. Suddenly my negative and fearful thoughts are devastating when just a few days ago I was ready to climb the Himalayas. So apparently I have a great potential that I sabotage every month! Total lack of clarity (to be informed of when, I suggest you download the App Clue that calculates the when, what and how of the phenomena).

This makes me take a brave decision: in the name of my business (and my relationships) that cannot progress in “one step forward and three back” rhythm, I decide to take the entrepreneur test to find out where I am at in my professional life. (Here is one that I find quite interesting: Based on this test, it appears that I do have specific goals and dreams, I have a facility to take action, I usually take my responsibilities, I surround myself in the face of adversity, I am very happy and fulfilled (half of the cycle!), and I have an environment conducive to success. But on the other hand, I need to improve my self-confidence and stabilize my energy level, work on my brakes and my limiting beliefs (have a better confidence and self-esteem and even self-consciousness). I feel I am ready to take the good decisions towards my professional success and fulfillment, and well motivated to improve my weaknesses.

Step 1: Stabilize my energy level
This seems to me a priority now. So I went to find out how to reduce or eradicate this PMS thing. You will be surprised: healthy food and routines! I knew that alcohol + dairy products + gluten + meat on a daily basis were bad for me and had already stopped that. So I decided to get up every day at 4:30 to study Kryas, meditate, breathe and do yoga, to be more consistent with my food, to do sports every day (run, swim, yoga, dance, climb, golf), to work on my projects with joy, faith and good humor. One thing that definitely made a difference was the ‘40 days challenge’ by the Dutch Kundalini Yoga School. They walk you through a daily routine (every day the same) and make you feel connected. In creating a community around the practice you feel connected. This is very stimulating of course. And the breath focused exercises are super powerful and help shift so much in your energy, the clarity of your aura, your thoughts. Basically I feel I have a better grasp on myself. I feel less helpless and ruled by my brain.