BEPS – A school is not a factory

BEPS International School

Together shines a light on an international school that takes a different approach to learning. 

Traditionally, schools have been, and often still are, set-up like factories. Students are batched according to age and put on a conveyor belt to squeeze them into a mould where everything must be done at a set time, in a set way. Some come out nicely, others are deemed defective in some way. However, at BEPS International School, we believe that schools should be the complete opposite of this. 

Many international schools use the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, as they provide a strong academic foundation. How can a school make a difference? When designing their secondary school, BEPS International School started with the belief that every student is a unique individual, with their own character, dreams, learning journey and life mission to identify. BEPS balances the academic needs of the IB whilst also allowing for individualization of the curriculum to develop young people into independent, caring, change-makers. 

“When designing their secondary school, BEPS International School started with the belief that every student is a unique individual”

Firstly and foremost, BEPS has innovated and reorganized time, space and resources to make their vision a reality. The unique building design of their secondary school mirrors the co-working office spaces providing students with flexible co-learning areas. 

Similarly, the students’ schedule is personalized in order to meet diverse learning needs, additional support or the potential to deepen knowledge. They work towards personal goals and explore diverse projects to support the school and the wider community. Mentors coach them to help prioritize and organize each individual student’s time. Students have the support of all the teachers who value their voice and their choices; in this sense it is very much a student-centred approach. Having small classes of not more than 18 students means that teachers can manage classes with mixed levels of ability and students who have different learning needs.  

BEPS is located in the centre of Brussels, but considers itself a school without walls. This means a commitment to connect with professionals and experts in the wider community, to provide authentic learning experiences and an audience with which to recognise and celebrate individual student achievements. 

“The school is committed to maintaining a close-knit community”

The school’s entire focus is on creating a responsible and positive impact on the life of each student, their future and the world in general. Students themselves organize and lead workshops for each other to support local or international charities, celebrating-international mindedness, caring about others and our planet. 

BEPS is known for its family feel that it has carefully nurtured over the past 50 years. It means the school is committed to maintaining a close-knit community where each child, from early years to the end of secondary school finds a warm and comforting environment where they can build their confidence, are ready to learn and can pursue their own dreams. 

BEPS loves to collaborate with parents and colleagues around the world.