Best Belgian city to live in: Bruges


A large-scale survey by the Belgian consumer organisation Test-Achats has produced a league table of the cities offering the best quality of life in Belgium. Top of the list comes Bruges, followed by Hasselt and Leuven.

Some 2,700 Belgians were questioned in the poll and had to give their opinion about 11 separate factors. The poll showed that housing was regarded as the most important factor, followed by security, mobility, employment and health care. Education was given the least importance.

In general, the Flemish are happier with their cities than Francophones, with the top five cities being found in Flanders (Bruges is followed by Hasselt (Limburg), Leuven (Flemish Brabant), Genk (Limburg) and Ghent (East Flanders).

The first Walloon city is Marche-en-Famenne in sixth place. Brussels occupies the 18th spot. At the bottom of the list is the city of Charleroi, confirming its bad reputation at 21st place. The poll was undertaken in B russels, the 10 provincial capitals and the second biggest city in each of the 10 Belgian provinces.