Entrepreneurs: Mike & Becky’s real, honest chocolate


entrepreneursHot chocolate is what triggered the idea behind Mike & Becky. Whilst visiting Prague in March 2015, the couple stumbled upon Chococafe, a hot chocolate café. There were lots of variety of hot chocolate to choose from and the quality just blew them away. The couple had no chocolate-making background but they fell in love with the idea of making hot chocolate almost instantly, and thought they could do something similar in Brussels, especially as a good hot chocolate is a surprising rarity.

Even though the chocolate idea was relatively unfamiliar, the couple had been thinking about their future for a couple of years beforehand. They were both in office jobs (Julia still has hers) and they seriously considered whether they wanted to keep the status quo until retirement. Thus began the inquiry into other options: “It was a process, not a ‘eureka!’ moment,” remarks Julia. Although on the face of it, it may seem that their leap from the office to chocolate workspace is large, their backgrounds tell a different story. Julia is an artist, she trained as a ballerina in Moscow; Bjorn studied fair trade and development policy. Creativity and ethics, born out of their backgrounds, are the core elements of their business.

The couple agree that being partners has made running a business much easier, since they are able to confide in one another and sound off ideas. There were doubts along the way, whether they come from the couple themselves or their peers. Even so, the most important thing is to keep it together, recommends Julia: “You need to have your own inner centre to fall back on. You need to believe in yourself.”

I have been diligently savouring Mike & Becky’s chocolate throughout this writing process. Perhaps it’s my taste buds that have finally re-oriented, or perhaps after inhaling Mike & Becky’s passion and dedication, I fully appreciate their hard work and principles. Whatever it is, this chocolate is delicious. Mike & Becky are true to their word: it tastes real, it tastes honest.

Have you left your day job for your dream job? If so, we’d like to hear from you! Contact Together magazine (paul@togethermedia.eu) with your story and it could be featured in the magazine!