Saturday 13 June is Global Wellness Day, and Martin’Spa Bodywhealth on Lake Genval is organizing an event with seven activities, some gentle, others energetic – all completely free.
Global Wellness Day was launched by Belgin Aksoy in 2012, and took place again in 2014 in Richmond Nua (Turkey). For Aksoy, it was a way to raise awareness among people that it is good to take care of ourselves by adopting new habits, and we immediately have a better life. This year, countries throughout the world will celebrate Wellness Day, including Belgium.
Discover the different free activities at their own pace, in the company of experienced coaches. It starts at 7:30 am with morning running around the lake with Pol Notté. Less taxing is the healthy breakfast with Diane De Brouwer, author and therapeutic nutritionist. At 9h30 there is an introduction to yoga with Sophie Tasiaux.
Less known, try out postural synergy at 11am. With this method, Pol Notté emphasizes the fact that everyone is responsible for his or her physical body and mind. The sinavenda releases the digestive and respiratory and circulatory systems, while Lyengar movements correct the alignment of the body.
At 13h00 Thomas Velette holds Zenergy classes which strengthen and relax muscles. The afternoon offers a choice yoga, postural synergy, mindful walking and conferences. And it is also an opportunity to enjoy the Quick Spa from 10h00 to 16h – 20 minutes to discover massages such as as head massage, 5 stars or seated massage.
Martin’Spa Bodywhealth. Avenue du Lac 87 – 1332 Genval. . Tel : +32.2.655.74.73.