Inspirational books that will change your life


INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS 3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Once you have sorted out your negative history and how it has been affecting you for so many years, you can move to building awareness that everything you dream about depends on how skilfully you manage your mind. This book is a treasure for such a complicated task.

Most of the time we do not even realize that we attract negative experiences in our lives by focusing on the negative thoughts and unconsciously searching for more and more proof of them. This makes our life a vicious cycle of misery, poor financial state and unhappiness.

This book will teach you that you have power to have anything you want in your life by being aware of your thoughts and directing them into the right channels. Most of the time we do not realize where we bring ourselves by growing the ocean of negative thoughts, while we are the ones responsible for what we think and where this brings us.

It is a very inspiring book and you will soon feel powerful and uplifted while reading it. But remember that it is hard work to be an owner of your thoughts and you will need to maintain your continuous journey in mastering your mind.

4. Take control of your life: How to silence fear and win the mental game by Mel Robbins
Mel Robbins is not related to Tony Robbins but, ironically, she is referred to as ‘Tony Robbins for women’. Yet, her books and courses are not gender specific and meant both for men and women.

Take Control of Your Life by Mel Robbins was released just recently but it has already made some noise in the world of personal development booming with five stars reviews. And rightfully so. You will not find a better book to finally learn how to leave your fears behind and become a person you want. This book is quite different from anything else on the market in many ways. It focuses on freeing you from fear of realizing your potential and approaches it in a way you have never experienced before.

Firstly, it explains the roots of fear based on research. Secondly, it leads you through several stories of people with different kinds of fears which are actual coaching sessions with Mel. Thirdly, you get exercises and workbook which you can use to keep track of these exercises and your progress of freeing yourself from fears that hold you back.

INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS 5. Give and take: Why helping others drives our success by Adam Grant
Even though the title seems to be self-explanatory, you should not disregard this book as it is much deeper than it might look from first sight. If you have ever tortured yourself with such thoughts as “Why people do not like me?”, “Why my colleagues ignore me?”, “How can I get help from others in succeeding?”, etc., then this book is a must-read for you.

It dives deep into research of three types of personalities: takers, matchers and givers. We are accustomed to think that givers are usually losers or doormats but the research shows otherwise and this is what makes this book special. In a world of growing individualism, we are taught to be takers, we are taught to protect our boundaries, to say No -our working cultures often propel unhealthy competition that pushes us to be nasty to our peers. But is it right? Does it serve us and others well?

Let me not be a spoiler for the whole book and give away all the tips and tricks because I think it deserves to be read fully, but I will tell you this: it does prove that while takers win in the short term, givers win in the long-term and have a happier and more fulfilled life. This book gives you the right exercises and tips not to be a doormat but still to be a giver that builds a strong network of people willing to help back, support and help you grow.

Anna Boroshok
Digital strategist at Emakina
Co-founder of Fearless Female Founders