Personal Development: A Gift From The Stars II


House 6

In the house of the search for rightness, it is a matter of reflecting on who we are as individuals. A good way of becoming better acquainted with oneself is to work on personal development. By distancing ourselves from all that we once thought defined us, by cleaning our egos, we can finally embark serenely into new relationships. This self-adjustment can be achieved by developing a new, more disciplined way of life.

House 7
In the house of relationships, we are invited to disengage from the ones that no longer agree with us. On the other hand, it is also the time for entering into a new relationship, on equal footing, so that we may position ourselves before another human being – as a whole person. Then there is the matter of learning to commit, and assuming our existing commitments.

House 8
In the house of alchemical mutation, it’s the appropriate time to take on our deepest fears. If we accept to recognize them, and to see reality behind appearances, we may finally be rid of these fears as well as our need for control. The outside world might cease to be viewed as a threat, and we might be able to collaborate and interact with it, while respecting ourselves and others.

House 9
In the house of the search for meaning, we are called on to forsake our outdated beliefs, ideals or moral rules, to widen our horizons and open up to alternative ways of seeing the world. This is how we might give our lives a new meaning, one that is more aligned with our true natures, as well as the laws of Man and the Universe.

House 10
In the house of professional life and social identity, we are beckoned to call into question what we offer the world, and our place in it. Those who wear a social disguise that isn’t authentic for them will be put to the test, as well as those who disregard their responsibilities. For those concerned by this particular house, now is the time to reconsider their ideas of authority and success.

House 11
In the house of service towards the collective, we learn that accomplishment is not only a personal endeavour. Indeed, here we might discover other sides to our power, by connecting to others who share our aspirations. We might also feel particularly concerned with human injustice, and look to put an end to it through personal and collective action. We might also make changes in our professional lives, with a view to finding an occupation that is better aligned with our values.

House 12
In the house of dissolution, universal connection and spirituality, our very being is called on to find its place again within the greater picture – far greater than ourselves. By ceasing to define ourselves by what we are experiencing or undergoing at present, we can move from the idea of existence to the notion of presence. To achieve this, it is necessary to let go, and to have the courage to open up to an invisible, universal dimension of life. This is a good time to take a step back, and reflect on our personal journeys.

Axel TRINH-CONG Psychic, Therapist, Body- spirit-soul alignment, constellations, Tarot, soul messages.

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