The train: A good place for a pick-up


According to a Thalys survey, nearly one in four Belgians has openly hit on someone aboard a train and one in six plays along with the game.

So it appears with St. Valentine’s approaching, there’s no point booking that expensive restaurant and hoping the flowers you bought won’t wilt before the big date – just hop on the train.

Thalys has just published the results of the survey conducted with Ifop on the four countries the high-speed train serves (Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands).

Almost one in four Europeans has admitted openly flirting onboard (average 23%).

The champions of seduction (?) on the rails are the Dutch (28%), while the Belgians occupy second place in the table with 24%. While the romantic French finished fourth. Men seem to remain more enterprising – 28% of women said men attempted to charm them, against 17% of the men interviewed.

One in six Belgians is prepared to join in the game of railway seduction. Taking the step from simple flirting to the game of seduction, is clearly one Belgians are prepared to take, since 14% of them say they have participated in a game of seduction among the carriages. The Dutch and French will also participate willingly (20% and 18% respectively), while the Germans appear not to have caught on to the practice as yet (only 4%).

But it does not stop there: 4% of Europeans began a relationship from their encounter onboard, a score (:)) that is far from trivial when set against the four countries.

Friendships can also be struck up. 32% of Europeans have made friends on a train. The Germans are top this time (35% have made friends onboard with one person), while the Dutch are less likely to, with a much lower score (15%) .

All aboard the Love Train…