Power Plate: The new way to a new you


Together teams up with the swanky exercise arena, Power Plate Institute Brussels, to offer readers a fantastic fitness giveaway.

img161Parisienne who’s in love with Belgium, Murièle Bertrandias, has turned an Avenue Louise address that she opened in 2007 into nothing less than an exercise boutique – forget the straightforward decor of traditional gymnasiums, the Power Plate Institute Brussels was designed and decorated by much-renowned French architect Jean-Luc Blais.




img163Central to the building’s beautiful modernity are the Power Plate machines. What are they? Well, the user is positioned on a platform that sends vibrations throughout the entire body’s musculature, which allows for recuperative stretching and encourages optimal blood flow.

The body’s tendons, muscles and overall flexibility have been proven to show improvement after only a few sessions, and the exercise system has already proved very popular in the United States and France, for the development of athletes and even astronauts. Power Plate can also prove invaluable for those of us with more, shall we say, ‘sedentary’ lifestyles, as it helps fight cellulitis, supports weight-loss programmes and simply improves overall physical conditioning.

The aim of the Power Plate Institute Brussels is to provide a training schedule for each client, assisted by a specialized personal coach, who will help them to set goals, enjoy the exercises and evolve according to changing needs – all of which can be achieved with as few as two 20-minute meetings per week. Thanks to the optimal effectiveness of the machines, similar levels of exercise to an hour’s traditional gym workout can be achieved in just ten minutes!


Together has joined forces with Power Plate Institute Brussels to offer 10 lucky readers the chance to win ten Power Plate sessions, accompanied by a fully qualified coach (each prize worth 300 €). All you have to do is send your answer to the question below, along with your name, address and daytime telephonenumber, to info togethermedia.eu, labelling your email Power Plate Competition. The deadline for all entries is 31st July 2011, when the winners will be selected at random. Good luck!

(i) What is the title of the lead story on www.togethermag.eu today?

Power Plate Institute Brussels

Avenue Louise, 111

1000 Brussels

T. +32 (0)2 538 11 15


Competition organized under the supervision of a bailiff. Full rules available on request. Organizer: Together Magazine, Boulevard Saint-Michel 47, 1040 Brussels.