Together magazine/EU Golf Trophy 2016


Together Magazine’s 7th annual Golf Tournament is coming up on Saturday 2nd of July.

It will once again be the best club tournament of the year. Thanks to you and your participation.

It will be held at the beautiful Golf de Pierpont, located just 30 minutes south of Brussels city centre.

Prize giving will be at 7pm. Smart casual dress required, Champagne and snacks will be offered.

The format is single stableford. Official handicap required to enter the tournament, maximum handicap 36.

There will also be an initiation at 3pm for beginners which will comprise of 1 hour golf lesson, putting green and 9 holes on the course.

We have 130 players in the tournament and 70 people for the initiation comprised of Together magazine readers, members of the European Parliament and members of the Pierpont Golf Club.

Golf Tournament participation: €65

Initiation: FREE upon reservation

Email to subscribe.

2015 Golf tournament pictures and info here: