Personal Development: Uncertainty Is Certain


Personal Development: Intuitive Healer Katarina Winslow reflects on uncertainty and what we think we know.

There is one thing that is certain, and that is uncertainty. In this pause in life, there is a question I have frequently pondered on that comes to my mind. And that is uncertainty and its benefits. It has been over two-and-a-half-years since I started to write for Together magazine each month, and I have to admit that I think deeply about what I should reflect over next, and what if I run out of topics. But it is just in uncertainty that new ideas are seeded, genius solutions are asked of us, and life-enhancing creativity can take unprecedented forms.

Now, in these times, of course, I could write about the coronavirus and the forced pause in our lives. Actually, I was about to do it last month, but I am glad I didn’t. As each day goes by, we understand the seriousness of the situation and the enormous impact it will have on our societies. One thing is sure, and that is that in this case we are not sure about anything.

Faced with a virus, we have lost our almighty powers of knowing something to be 100% sure. And that is exactly what I want to reflect on with you. Because I believe that it is precisely certainty and the trends in rhetoric of our societies that has brought us to where we are today, with increasing threats to our climate and to our global wellbeing.

Still, being an optimist, I want to take the opportunity to honour Mother Earth who is replenishing and rejuvenating herself by humans staying at home. In the same breath, I also want to pay tribute to the heightened awareness that we are all in this together. The consciousness-raising side- effects of this tragedy is that, finally, we have to face the fact that we are one humanity. The old establishment based on separation, being on top, seems to crumble in the face of a microbe.

At one point in my soul searching, I had a mentor that gave me a text to read. Amongst other things, it said, “I am the certainty”. It felt refreshing and was what I needed to become visible with the unique gift as a healer that I had been given. Before that, I had understood in my own spiritual quest that it was my 1% doubt that kept me from coming forth and speaking openly about what I could do for others.

To help other people in their quest to love themselves more, rid themselves of their suffering and their negative psychological conditioning. To let a person be themselves instead of what they have been taught to be by their conditioning.

Paradoxically, what I understood was not to give away my 1% doubt but instead to embrace it, to see it as true power, a force of nature. Because if you really think about what it is to be 100% sure, it is a stalemate, a fixed and rigid state that leaves room for no life. Is Nature fixed and stays the same all year round? Are there any powerful super humans who know it all? Is there one person in this world who has the answers to the universe? No, Nature changes seasons all year round.