Bucking a worrying trend in city’s horeca sector


It’s the new kid on the Brussels block …or should that be new “kip”?

One of the newer restos in food-loving Brussels, Poule et Poulette specialises in one thing: chicken – that’s “kip” in Flemish.

This is a very casual and laid back eatery and the fact that a new place has actually opened is in itself an encouraging sign at a time when horeca in the city and country is still suffering badly from a double whammy of a pandemic and economic slowdown. This is underlined by a campaign in Brussels called “J’aime mon Horeca” which calls on residents to support the restaurant sector by signing an online petition and sharing the campaign on social networks.

Figures show attendance in restaurants is down 10.8 per cent compared to 2019 but the opposite trend is noted for establishments like Poule et Poulette which have increased business from 9.4 percent to 17.1 per cent over the last 4 years.

This new “kip” on the city’s eating out scene is very conveniently located right by the a Metro station (Merode) and the resto chain is itself not so new, with the first one opening in Antwerp way back in 2014. In September, the brand will celebrate its tenth anniversary and, yes, it really does “kip” on growing.

The latest Poule et Poulette is located next to Brussels’ lovely Parc du Cinquantenaire which you can admire over a meal or drink from its fine terrace, seating over 50.The real difference here, though, is when you enter and discover its innovative interior.

This consists, partly, of “chicken cages” (in fact, cosy cabins) which are stacked on top of each other, seating up to four guests per table.Worth noting: the “upstairs cages” are most popular while the terrace here is the only one in the chain with a “chicken cage.”

Continuing the same poultry theme, there is even an “egg-shaped” table at the back for larger groups (up to ten). The concept extends with some clever/witty messages doted around the walls,including “kip smiling” and even a “kip it clean” one in the loos. Guests are given a complimentary pack of playing cards (to take away) containing the message “kip playing” and, last Valentine’s Day, they even distributed their very own condoms containing the advice, “kip it safe”.

No doubt, then, about the concept behind this thriving business, started by three go-ahead Flemish friends, Inne, Frederik and Filip,based in Antwerp, who came up with a very imaginative way of “reinventing” what is, after all, a staple part of our everyday diet.Here, they serve kip in all sorts of guises and different variations.

On the menu is the classic vol-au-vent, a tasty chicken burger, plus chicken flambe with P&P sauce. If you fancy a bit of animation while eating this will appeal as it is flambéed at the table. It is one of the most popular dishes, according to Sikander, the affable and welcoming UK-born assistant manager.

Other customer faves include butterfly chicken “Greek style” (preparation time is 25 minutes so come prepared for a short wait for this one) and Taco’s pulled chicken. The chicken is tender (skin flavoured with herbs), the fries excellent (cut into an L shape making them both crispy and tender) and the apple sauce has a really nice flavour. There’s also sticky wings-  very flavoursome and, at just €7.98 very good value, all washed down by one of a locally brewed beer. Veggies are not forgotten, with over nine options on the menu while for the “smallest chicks” (children) there’s a nice offering.

Separate fixed menus are available which are especially popular with the lunchtime clients (don’t forget trying a coffee which is also very popular here).

Considering how tasty the food is the prices are very reasonable with some of the mains starting from a mere €13.50 and each dish is prepared with halal-certified Belgian chicken, seeking to guarantee quality and traceability.Products are prepared in a central workshop before being distributed to its various restaurants which, as well as Brussels and Antwerp, also include Gent, Leuven, Mechelen and Ostend.

Arguably, the USP about this place is the unique interior/decor which is almost well worth a visit on its own.

Verdict? Delicious chicken and wonderful ambiance. 

Poule et Poulette, avenue de Tervueren 24, Bruxelles, 02 895 5700
