Egrégore entrepreneurs: The power of collective intelligence


EGREGORE ENTREPRENEURS BELGIUM In the end, through these synergies, millions of dollars have been created, and if these meetings had not been put in place, none of this would have happened. The idea is to structure this and create privileged exchanges in high-end locations to provoke and activate this power of collective thought and the universal principle, which states that: “We can go fast, but together we can go still further.”

By bringing together different people who have a particular and recognized talent, they become the solution to the needs of others. And when the ‘match’ becomes almost perfect, the results that follow are then extraordinary. A quest for performance and excellence.

Success is about getting the best. And since we are the average of the five people we are closest to, it is important to surround ourselves with five people who are better than us. This is exactly how we progress.

We do not speak here of a generic theory known to the general public, learned in large assemblies, but of experiments and case studies of millimetres that have earned each participant the right to be recognized as the best in their fields, which is called the 1%.

And when we gather the 1%, we can only get closer to excellence because we learn what the 1% has done that is so special and so different. And so is born a performance circle that has people all on the same wavelength, which turns into a circle of excellence. How do we participate in such an event?

In Belgium, there are very few such events as they require prerequisites and a high degree of experience from the participants.

Concerning the Egrégore organized by Jérémie Vanopdenbosch, it aims to be one of the most selective and qualitative in Belgium. To adhere to it, one must respect very precise criteria: to be a leader or a world authority in one’s own field, to be an expert with more than 10,000 hours of experience, to be a growing entrepreneur, to have a positive impact on more than 100,000 people, a turnover of at least €1 million and an unusual mindset.

If you meet one of these criteria, you are eligible, but this does not guarantee access to the round table. 90% of the requests are refused, explains Jeremie, because the Egrégore is, furthermore, for people who are very open-minded and who prefer altruism to individualism or egotism. Without this, it is not possible to trade optimally and create value. In addition, as the day of Egrégore can last more than 15 hours, we also make sure the people have a certain endurance in concentration to keep the pace.

At the end of this selection process, each member who enters the collective will receive more from Egrégore than they will bring. This is called the principle of reciprocity to the power 1,000.

The members of the first edition:
Manzul Akhmedov (Expert Sport and Champion Mindset)
Lucas Beguin (Mixology Business Expert)
Stella Bida (Expert Authority Business)
Yannick Callens (Investment Business Expert)
Danilo Duchesnes (Digital Business Expert)
Racso Jugarap (Expert Branding Business)
David Mc Gowan (Media Business Expert)
Anthony Urbain (Finance Expert Business)
Jérémie Vanopdenbosch (Expert Networking Business)
Julie Van Der Weerden (Participant)
Thuy Vi Nguyen (Participant)
Special thanks to Bastian Baker, International Artist, as special guest.

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Photo @nouran_photography

Camera: Thibault Casterman

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