Fashion: Making the Fashion Industry Work


Fashion: Fashion Revolution explains its place in the world of modern fashion and the fashion industry.

We are Fashion Revolution. We are people from all around the world who make the fashion industry work. We are the people who wear clothes. And we are the people who make them. We are designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers and fashion lovers. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are you.

Our vision: We believe in a fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure.

Our mission: We want to unite people and organizations to work together towards radically changing the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that our clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way. We believe that collaborating across the whole value chain — from farmer to consumer — is the only way to transform the industry. Our mission is to bring everyone together to make that happen. Fashion Revolution is a global movement that runs all year long.

We celebrate fashion as a positive influence, while also scrutinizing industry practices and raising awareness of the fashion industry’s most pressing issues. We aim to show that change is possible, and encourage those who are on a journey to create a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion.

Fashion Revolution strives to be action-oriented and solution focused. Rather than making people feel guilty, we help them recognize that they have the power to do something to make a positive change. We often call ourselves “pro-fashion protesters” because we love fashion and want to see it become a force for good.

We try to always be bold, provocative, inquisitive, accessible and inclusive. We tend to avoid negative protesting, victimising and naming and shaming. We do not target specific individual companies because we believe that the industry’s problems are bigger than any one company’s actions. We do not advocate boycotting, simply because we don’t see it as an effective way to achieve systemic change.

How we are funded: Fashion Revolution (both the Community Interest Corporation and Charitable Foundation) is generously funded by private foundations, institutional grants, commercial organisations and donations from individuals.

Donations made through the Fashion Revolution website will go to the Fashion Revolution Foundation (in order to enable us to claim Gift Aid, where appropriate, from our supporters) OR directly to a Country Office, where they are established. Please be sure to check if your country can accept donations directly on their country page. Check the home page for coordinators in Belgium.

Fashion Revolution Week: Fashion Revolution Week is our #whomademyclothes campaign in April, which falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on 24 April 2013. That is the day Fashion Revolution was born. During this week, brands and producers are encouraged to respond with the hashtag #imadeyourclothes and to demonstrate transparency in their supply chain. 20 – 26 April 2020.

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