Leisure: Visit a golf paradise in Catalunya


And so, after the excitement of arriving and already enjoying the lunchtime bar’s gastronomic delights, then enjoying a full afternoon’s cycle ride around the region (they keep you busy), it was time for my first day on the links.

Hmmm. Yes. Well.

Suffice to say, it was definitively not my finest hour on the greens thus far. Anyone who has even played a little golf will know exactly what I am talking about – setting off early in the morning with every intention of playing a full 18, by the time I got to nine, I knew I was all up for the day.

Now, you can buy it or not, but my swing is really normally pretty good. Sure, my putting needs some work, whose doesn’t, but I have instilled a certain sense of confidence in myself that I can bash the ball quite well off the tee. Not that day.

So, what to do? Only one thing for it, I decided to begin my next day with a lesson from resident pro Enric Lopez.

And so it came to pass – a truly lovely evening first, enjoying nothing other than the house’s biggest steak (600g), after which I felt I could probably not eat for a fortnight and survive, in the company of my very pleasant fellow golfers, then a great night’s sleep.

I awoke, free of the rage that had consumed me the day before following my disaster, but somewhat nervous of just how much help Enric might be.

I need not have worried – essentially, and as might have been predicted, my problem was (and is) in my follow through. Sure, I know about keeping my eye on the ball throughout the swing, but what I still had and have to grasp is just what I am doing with my club after I have hit the damn ball. Well, and hour with Sebastian, and I was feeling alright again – he did a marvellous job. And, thank heavens, my golf improved for the day.

You want to play golf? You want to stride among some of the most beautiful links you will ever see? Come to PGA Catalunya. Twain may well have described the game as a good walk spoiled, but the great writer was never fortunate enough to visit here. Well, I have been, and I left with a renewed love of the game, of its sporting ambiance, that will ensure I will return, no questions asked. Fore!
