Personal coach and author Zig Ziglar offer tips on how to be successful

personal coach

Another of our be successful books is by a personal coach who is a fan of passion.

Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.

The Zig Ziglar Corporation was founded in 1977 by Ziglar, America’s most influential and beloved encourager and believer that everyone could have, do and be more. He reached and influenced an estimated 250 million people with his 33 books, innumerable videos and recordings, and many live presentations to auditoriums filled with tens of thousands. His best selling book, See You at the Top, has sold over 1,707,000 copies and is a mainstay for anyone desiring personal success.

For more than 50 years, in a style that is unquestionably his own, Zig Ziglar used his quick wit, down-home charm, and abundance of energy to inspire excellence in people throughout the world. In Born to Win, Zig’s nonstop passion inspires and informs as Zig speaks to you as if you’re sitting front-row center in his sold-out seminar. In Born to Win you’ll learn:

• To achieve balance by becoming a more complete person in seven key areas of your life

• How to develop and maintain a winner’s attitude and use it to achieve significant personal growth

• How to build stronger professional and personal relationships using your own unique behavioral style

• How to become a better leader, parent, and employee by learning the art of effective communications

• And much more!

That’s precisely what tens of thousands of people have done who had the fortune to attend Zig Ziglar’s 25-year-running and perpetually sold-out Born to Win seminar. Now, you can experience the rewards of his legendary seminar in this time-saving, two-CD program designed inspire a whole new generation of achievers.

Ziglar boldly states: “It’s going to be the most fun and exciting trip you’ll ever take. It’s filled with more promise of reward than King Solomon’s mines. In short, this journey to the top, which you are going to be taking, is a tremendously exciting trip.

Zig Ziglar died today at age 86 in 2012. A World War II veteran, Zig Ziglar became the top sales person in several organizations before striking out on his own as a motivational speaker and trainer. With a Southern charm and lessons grounded in Christianity, Ziglar wrote over two dozen books and amassed a following of millions who were encouraged by his lessons for success.

One of Zig Ziglar best known quotes is: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
