Personal coaching: How to make a bigger impact as a coach


International Speaker, Peak Performance Trainer and Business Mentor Arnon Barnes offers advice about personal coaching.

Why now is a great time to start your online coaching business
Are you someone that has an okay career, but you’re feeling unfulfilled? Deep down you know that you have more to give? You’re passionate about teaching, helping, adding value and making impact? I am Arnon Barnes, International Speaker and Business Mentor, and I share your passion.

Over the last seven years I have coached and trained around 80,000 people from well over 65 different countries worldwide. By doing this I am able to make money while doing what I love. And I would love nothing more than for you to be able to do the same. In this article I am going to share with you my top reasons why now is a great time to start your online personal coaching business.

1 It’s online
Being online makes you extremely agile. That means, you can still do business, when a crisis happens like for instance this global pandemic. If you haven’t noticed, many businesses are now operating online. The benefits are huge. You can literally coach anyone from anywhere in the world! All you need is a good Wi-Fi signal and a laptop, or even just your phone and you’re good to go. You’re not restricted to your town and people don’t have to travel very far to get to you. This lowers the barrier and widens the range for getting clients.

2 No shelf-life and high margins
Another reason why personal coaching is such a great product is because it doesn’t have a shelf-life. You never have to worry about procurement, take inventory, reduce your stock or worry about its expiration dates. Of course, you have to sell, but because the margins of coaching programs are so high you don’t have to sell in large quantities to reach your financial goals.

3 Flexibility and more time
When you are working for someone as an employee or a freelancer, at the end of the day you are always exchanging your time for money. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this and a big majority of people are very happy working this way, but if you are someone that isn’t, then an online coaching business is a great alternative. You’re probably someone who wants a little more out of life. Someone that understands they don’t necessarily have to work harder and more hours to make more money. Packaged coaching programs are highly leveraged in price and time. That means you are able to work less and earn more. This model not only creates flexibility, but also more time for you to do other things.