Personal coaching: Learn how to communicate effectively


Don’t underestimate people and their ability to pick up on ingenuous acts. Prospects might not be able to articulate it, but they will feel when you are being disingenuous and pushing your own agenda. This will either cause potential clients to repel or buy your product or service and experience something called ‘buyer’s remorse’. This is detrimental to the business and the brand. Be helpful and show prospects you really care. And when you experience you cannot connect to a prospects, show your leadership skills and connect them to one of your (other) sales people. Just because your energy does not match a client, doesn’t mean your product or service is no good for them. In the end, when you truly want to help your clients, it’s about creating a genuine experience for both of you.

Believe and have fun
When you truly believe in the product or service you sell, you subconsciously pass this belief on to potential clients. Have fun while you are interacting. There is nothing more contagious than fun and happiness. That’s because these are high energy frequencies. And studies have shown that the person with the highest energy will always influence a person with a lower energy. Impacting prospects will thus increase their chances of buying.

As you can see, small adjustments make a big difference in the effectiveness of your communication with prospects. Give your communication a makeover with these five tips and experience the change in response from your potential clients.

Call to action
Want to meet and work with Arnon Barnes live? Join one of his next upcoming events online or in Europe. For more information on the event, or coaching, contact his office via or check out his website

Short bio
Arnon Barnes started his first business at age 11 and built and sold his first multi-million euro company by the age of 28. In the past seven years, Arnon has personally trained and coached more than 90,000 people from well over 65 different countries including, The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Brazil, Singapore and South Africa, to name but a few. Arnon is an explosive international speaker, author, investor and one of Europe’s leading and most exciting business mentors.

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