Personal Development: A Magic Formula


Most people follow it in the opposite way. For example, they think, when I have a million pounds in my bank account that’s when I will be happy as I will be rich. According to the magic formula, you first be that rich person, meaning you think of yourself as if you were already a millionaire. What would you do with your money? How would you have used your time effectively in order to be productive? Then, based on these answers, you take the relevant action, in other words do what you would have done with whatever limited resources you have. Then those actions will start bringing results, and finally you will have what you always wanted, in this case millions in your bank account. Magic!

Internal transformation is a journey that takes you out of your comfort zone. We all tend to sit on some limiting beliefs, such as I live in an economy where I can’t make much money, or there are no good opportunities left for me out there. The first step in the transformational process is to identify these beliefs. The beliefs that are holding us back reaching our full potential in life. The second step in the transformation process is to admit that these beliefs need to go. These beliefs are not serving us, but are making us feel comfortable since blaming another person or economy is easier. We, therefore, tend to not change these beliefs, as changing these beliefs will take us out of our comfort zone.

The third step in the process is replacing these limiting beliefs with the ones that will help us grow. Repeating and affirming these positive beliefs to ourselves every day until they permanently replace the old beliefs will help us create the change that we always wished for: you will meet the right people, you are always at the right place at the right time, etc.

Coming back to my client. Even though, at first, she had looked confused and angry, she seemed to have quickly gathered herself up as if a realization dawned on her. She said: “I have understood, I need to stop being a victim.” We both smiled in acknowledgement. As she quietly got up, I noticed a gentle relief on her face that I normally see in people when they finally admit to themselves that the change needs to happen from the inside.

I think this was the end of my first session, but surely a beginning of her transformational journey. A change inside will help you to cause an effect on the external environment, otherwise you will forever live to be an effect (victim) of a cause (external environment). Which one do you prefer?

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