Personal Development: Still Hope For 2020 Goals


2. Make Goal Setting interesting and inspiring experience: Normally, we tend to set our goals in terms of numbers/figures and let’s be honest here, most of us are not motivated and inspired by numbers. We might have targets, but until these targets are backed by inspired actions there is a bleak chance of these targets getting fulfilled. For some of us who are employed, we have bosses who inspire us to take actions, but those of us who are self- employed, how on earth are we supposed to keep ourselves motivated to achieve these mundane number targets?

I help my clients by asking them to use their imagination. Thinking back on the previous example, in order for you to take inspired action to lose 20 kilos you might want to forget the numbers and switch to a feeling mode, by concentrating on how you are going to look once you have lost the 20 kilos. For those who want some further help simply follow the three easy steps below:

Imagine: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the dresses that you have always wanted to wear. Imagine that you are sitting by the beach in your bikini, imagine the attention you are getting from people because you look gorgeous!

Feel: How does that make you feel? Soak in this feeling and feel it in your body. Heighten your emotion and get involved in it like you have already achieved it.

Seal it: And when you are at the height of this happy emotion, seal it with an affirmation. It’s a statement that reminds you of this experience and feelings that you have just encountered. For example, ‘I finish what I start ‘or ‘I always achieve my goals’ etc. Remember whatever your affirmation is it needs to resonate with you as a happy emotion.

3. Write your goals down every day: Science has proven that writing down your goals helps you achieve them at least 50% faster. All my clients write down their goals first thing in the morning and when written in a particular format (I can’t go into the details in this article), there is almost a 99% probability of achieving your goals.

4. Set daily intentions: When you are writing down your goals daily it’s a good idea to set an intention for the day. How this helps is that you are planning your day ahead; in
this way, you are spending your day by choice and not by chance. Would you agree if you don’t have any goals to achieve in your day you will probably be spending your day solving the challenges like new emails or a colleague issue or someone giving you their negative energy? You spend the rest of the day dealing with that, whereas if you have a goal for the day you will spend the day consciously – you will be able to avoid anything which does not deserve your energy and stands in the way of achieving your goal for today. Isn’t that magical?

I hope the above helps you achieve your goals for 2020 but if you do have any question please feel free to contact me on the details below: Reetika Gupta Chaudhary