Be successful: Arnon Barnes, father and entrepreneur


So, do you have a morning ritual?
Absolutely, I have something I call my ‘Ten before Ten’, that’s ten things I do before 10am. I normally wake up around six, and I meditate, work out, make a health shake, read my goals, write in my journal, express gratitude, and I always write about what is going to carry me through my challenges, the obstacles that show up during my day.

In front of an audience of 400, sometimes a lot more, do you get nervous?
I am not sure if I get nervous. I think it is more of an adrenaline rush, of ‘here we go, let’s do it, it’s working well’, so I am not sure if it’s nervousness, it’s more excitement.

See Arnon Barnes live in Belgium

Business Rebel Masterclass
This program gives entrepreneurs & business owners the edge – guaranteed!! At the Business Rebel Masterclass you will learn to:

– FOCUS on the most important  thing for your business; it’s NOT Product or Service
– Speed up your business growth
– Get unstuck
– Build your WINNER mindset with the highest level of energy
– Create a Championship Team
– Increase your confidence
– Make more money!

People call him “a master communicator” and “Europe’s leading Business & Success Coach”.
NO BS, no gimmicks, just you & a quality group of entrepreneurs & Arnon Barnes – a real game changer!

Only a limited number of seats available – act now and take control of your business & financial destiny. ‘’The greatest treasures on this planet… are reserved for the action takers.’’ 7 and 8 October, Waregem, Belgium. For tickets visit: