What’s On Belgium: Hotel Beethoven


Fondation CAB: Figures on a ground
Fondation CAB is delighted to present Figures on a Ground, a group show bringing together works of pioneering minimalist artists fused with contemporary practices that inscribe themselves in or question the movement.  Breaking open the rigid and singular definition of minimal art, the exhibition takes shape as an enticing amalgam of historic and contemporary approaches to geometric abstract sculpture and hard-edge painting. A diptych by Agnes Martin illustrates the delicacy with which she reflects on nature and happiness through the motive of the line.  Other American protagonists of the original movement, such as Carmen Herrera, Agnes Truitt and Gloria Graham, illustrate how Minimalism was approached in a way far more diverse than one might think, through  the use of natural materials. Contemporary contributions to the exhibition are the digitally rendered weavings of Tauba Auerbach and Jessica Sanders’ monochrome paintings with beeswax. 
Until 12 December. Fondation CAB, Brussels. www.fondationcab.com

ADAM – Brussels Design Museum: BELGISCH DESIGN BELGE
A pop-up laboratory where the successive presentations that are sometimes subjective and never exhaustive will be representative of Belgian design. Pieces from different eras, materials, statutes and natures build, side by side, a history of design in Belgium. For this first selection, objects from the plastic design collection – the particularity of our institution – interact with pieces of modern and contemporary design from the King Baudouin Foundation. Established after the Atomium’s acquisition of the Plastic Design Collection in December 2014, the ADAM – Brussels Design Museum offers an innovative and surprising insight on the plastic design from the fifties to the present
(permanent exhibition / Plastic Design Collection) and on other forms of design through other periods, expressions, materials and themes (temporary exhibitions). 30 September 2020 – 3 October 2021. ADAM – Brussels Design Museum. www.adamuseum.be

The Snijders&Rockox House is sparing no expense with portraits. Old portraits of people who passed away a long time ago. They can no longer speak, but they still have a lot to tell us. Go on a blind date with portraits and discover who these people were or hoped to be, and what hints are hidden in their portrait. The exhibition will take place at four locations in the city, each with its own line of approach. You will find portraits of Rockox himself and his contemporaries at the Snijders&Rockox House. At the Imperial Chapel, the tone is more earnest. Faith is a serious business, but even religious types like to be portrayed well in their portrait. Saint Charles Borromeo Church displays portraits of toddlers, dressed as mini-adults.
At Butchers’ Hall, some monumental works from Frans Snijders are on show, themed around fashion and tasty food and drinks. Until 31 December. Various locations, Antwerp. www.blinddate.vlaanderen/en

Belgian Comic Strip Center
An accomplished attraction located in the heart of Brussels, the Belgian Comic Strip Center has been honouring the creators and heroes of the 9th Art for more than 25 years. The regularly renewed permanent exhibitions and a diversified programme of temporary exhibitions enable visitors to discover the countless aspects of comics art. Tintin and the Smurfs lead the way towards further adventures, an encounter with a world where creativity has no limits. Enhanced by an exceptional Art Nouveau home designed by Victor Horta, the Belgian Comic Strip Center is just as much a tribute to the pioneers as a glimpse of contemporary comics art. The Belgian Comic Strip Center opened its doors to the public on 6 October 1989. In no time this impressive museum became one of the main attractions of Brussels.

Museum of Natural Sciences
Discover nature at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels, where you can explore human nature, our evolution and biology, in the brand new Gallery of Humankind: from Sahelanthropus to Homo sapiens; from embryo to adult. In the rest of the Museum, you’ll not only find the largest Dinosaur Gallery in Europe, but you’ll be able to study the 1000+ specimens in the Gallery of Evolution, dive with gigantic sea lizards from the Cretateuous period in the Mosasaur Room, embark on an urban safari in BiodiverCITY discover 250 years of the history of Natural Sciences through 14 iconic specimens. With rooms dedicated to subjects as diverse as minerals, insects (with the Vivarium where you can observe, amongst others, live tarantulas and stick insects) and shells, there’s always something to discover in the permanent collections. www.naturalsciences.be

In Belgium
Hotel Beethoven