Charlotte Collard: Good food meets fashion


Charlotte CollardYour recipes are visually appealing; is how food looks as important as how it tastes?
I would say that quality is definitely a priority. So, first of all I make sure I get the best produce I can find, then I create recipes with the ingredients to make something really fresh and then I work on the visual side. The taste is foremost for me and more important than the way the dish looks, but I do care a lot about both. I am deeply attached to details and subtle beauty.

As a mother you must be concerned about the nutritional value of food? How do you make your kids eat healthily?
My girls never had a soda in their lives, I buy simple natural ingredients, avoid processed food and bake their snacks for school. The most important for me when it comes to my girls is to teach them the best habits and how to enjoy simple tastes with the best quality ingredients.

I never push them to finish their plate but teach them to listen to their little belly and stop when they are not hungry anymore. Who are we to judge if they are hungry or not, they are the only ones who know?

I am not thinking about controlling what they eat, I try to teach them to choose the best for themselves. We all know that one day our children are going to eat fast food and have good and bad life experiences, but that’s part of learning who you are and your limits. I don’t worry too much about this – we all did it and we usually come back to our roots and habits.

You have over 20,000 followers on Instagram. Would you describe yourself as a lifestyle guru? Belgium’s Gwyneth Paltrow?
It is very nice of you to compare me with Gwyneth! I would not call myself a guru, but I am willing to share what I can do best, keep improving what I have to offer my followers on nutrition, motherhood, psychological shortcuts. My fans are really supportive – I am looking forward to sharing more of my pictures and recipes.
Pic with hat & cherries: Dominique Libert

Pic with coffee: Gaston Lafond from MYOPE Studio