Personal Development: The Light Within


Personal Development: Intuitive Healer Katarina Winslow reflects on the light within.

To be enlightened is to have switched on the light. Divine enlightenment comes from the source; it bathes you in the spiritual light. I have had the good fortune to have two profoundly illuminating experiences in my life, and both happened to me when I was in a very dark place. The first time I went from feeling ‘hopeless’ to peaceful in one single breath. As we all know, hope is the last thing to abandon us. When you find yourself in a dark place, always hold on to hope.

The second time I went from deep sorrow to complete illumination in a heartbeat. My tears stopped, and everything was perfect – there was only light. My crown chakra cracked open, and I found myself standing in an infinite beam of light. The bliss was absolute, and I would never be the same again. Since then, I can plug into the source whenever I want, and it is this connection I use to help illuminate hidden issues in people’s experience.

In some mysterious way, I received these blessings when it was pitch dark in my world. We all know that when you turn on the light at home you can see clearer, especially when itis dark outside. Even if you have not had an enlightening experience, it is by illuminating your wounds that you take the first steps to heal yourself. To heal yourself is to be dedicated to loving yourself more. When you make things visible, when what was hidden becomes visible, you gain clarity. Just as light is one of the essential elements for our physical existence, so is the illumination of your experience important for your psychological wellbeing.

The sun rises each day and lights up ourworld, for us to see the beauty of nature and the beauty of life. In these times, more than ever, we need to illuminate all the things that prevent us from truly loving ourselves and be happy, so we can bring our own inner light into the world. If you turn on the light within,you can see more clearly the light around you. When you are happier, you seek to connect with people and projects that are life-enhancing instead of attaching to fear and negativity.

I believe you need to first enlighten yourself to be fully aware that the sun shines on you too. You need to illuminate the pain you have endured to become free. It is a process, butone that leads to happiness and joy. When you give yourself permission to love life, life is more beautiful. Just as in the physical world, when you spread light on a shadow it dissolves. The same happens when you illuminate your wounds—they dissolve.

To become enlightened is to make things visible. To switch on the light so that you can see the truth about yourself and your experience. To become pure, you need to become a detective in your inner world, and you need to become a lover of truth. You need to keep searching until all your shadows have been dissolved and you truly know who you are.

Truth, enlightenment and love are all based on unity. To be the light is to be pro-everything and pro-everybody. Pro-everything in the sense that there is nothing that you don’t want to look at – you want to see it all, to transcend it all. Pro-everybody in the sense that everybody that triggers you, is an invitation tolook at the wound you still carry inside. If there was no wound, you would not be triggered. And pro-everybody in the sense that we are all part of one humanity. Above all, we need to be pro-truth.