A Shoe To A Kill


Kings and celebrities, including Prince Charles and Sean Connery as James Bond, have worn John Lobb shoes and the company has tailored to the most exclusive sort of customers for decades.

The elaborate shoemaking process begins with making a mould of the customer’s foot (called a last) that the shoe is built upon, which helps create a shoe that follows the exact contours of the customer’s feet. The complete proces takes 60 hours of labour and involves 190 steps.

With more than 300 styles, the customer can then choose from a predesigned model, or design a shoe and pattern to their liking. John Lobb uses only the finest Italian leathers.

Degand will also sell ready-to-wear John Lobb shoes, including some of their more well-known models, such as the Saint Crépin, a shoe that’s made from one cut of leather.