Aspria: Three fitness classes that are gentle on your body 

Aspria outdoor yoga

Being fit isn’t just about high-intensity exercise, it’s about flexibility, good breathing and body balance.

How can you (re-)start being active, without the risk of giving up after a few challenging sessions? Easy: choose gentle, consistent workouts over intense training sessions. To support you with this, our group class programming at Aspria offers plenty of slow activities you can choose from, 

Every year before the summer, there’s a breakout of good intentions for the occasional and even for seasoned athletes. As if to atone for the winter excesses, some opt to go all out and impose endless sessions of intense effort that are counterproductive, pushing their limits to the point of giving up.

This is exactly what you should try to avoid, with realistic objectives and a clear idea in mind: your aim is to get fit, not to suffer. The range of gentle sporting activities at Aspria is wide enough to cover all degrees of difficulty and give everyone – regardless of their age or current fitness level – the opportunity to find the perfect mix of zen attitude and motivation. 

Here are our top three proposals for you: 

Body Balance

What if the secret of your balance came from the other side of the world? Originating from New Zealand, under the impetus of the fitness magnate Les Mills, Body Balance classes compile techniques from the most widespread gentle gymnastics, with the aim “to improve your life, your body and your mind” – nothing less.

“What if the secret of your balance came from the other side of the world?”

Structured according to an international system, the course will allow you to follow any Body Balance session in other latitudes  –  an undeniable advantage for globetrotters who wish to maintain a regular practice despite their travels abroad.

The choreographies, repeated in each session for periods of 6 weeks to 3 months, work the deep muscles to a carefully curated Body Balance playlist. This consistent repetition as well as the adaptability of the postures and exercises by intensity level quickly offers you the satisfaction of seeing yourself progress from one session to the next.

Inspired in particular by various oriental disciplines – including yoga of course, but also tai chi, Qi Gong, and pilates  – Body Balance is therefore both a sport in itself and a gateway to all the activities listed above, which are obviously accessible via other dedicated group classes.

One last important detail: at Aspria, Body Balance classes are taught by Nathalie Voude, a true expert in the field, who was one of the first to spread the practice in our country. So you are in good hands. 

Hypopressive Abs

The term Hypopressive Abs, which intrigues neophytes, refers to a method combining a series of breathing exercises with beneficial effects on both your wellbeing and your health –  from the mitigation of joint and muscle damage to the prevention of organ descent. Whether you want to reshape your figure or tone up your perineum to remodel your pelvic floor, Hypopressive Abs classes are accessible to everyone, with the advantage of delivering different benefits depending on the age and needs of the practitioner. 


An overview of our catalogue of softer, zen-inducing practices would not be complete without mentioning our comprehensive selection of yoga classes. From the rigorous precision of the Iyengar postures to the meditative relaxation of Yin Yoga, via Hatha, a soothing “yoga of effort” particularly recommended to those who aim for a gentle practice, the different classes share the principles of breathing and harmonization, but offer a distinct experience.

“We encourage you to explore the rich variety of yoga styles, from the most relaxing to the most acrobatic – to find your perfect fit”

We encourage you to explore the rich variety of yoga styles, from the most relaxing to the most acrobatic – to find your perfect fit. For instance, those who prefer a dynamic workout can be more inclined towards the popular Vinyasa – more rhythmic and sporty – or even towards Ashtanga (the so-called “yoga with eight limbs”), even more physically demanding and ideal for strengthening and toning muscles, as well as improving flexibility. The more adventurous may take a plunge and try our Watfit Power Yoga class, the ultimate balance challenge, practiced on a floating mat.  

Variety is in the DNA of the 3 Aspria clubs. Discover it now at

The Aspria Arts-Loi club is currently undergoing a transformation and is investing €1,000,000 to offer the ultimate experience in terms of group classes.

The result will be a swimming pool and five new studios with very different atmospheres for a unique experience. From June, discover the ultimate group class experience!