Brussels crackdown on public transport brings results


On Thusday 5 April, Belgium’s Federal police officers combined with local police and local transport security to run a massive check of passengers on Brussels public transport.

The joint operation targeted fare-dodgers, people in possession of drugs or illegal arms and illegal residents.  the Federal Police explained that the operation targeted criminal acts on and in the vicinity of public transport services.

While some 900 people were found without a valid ticket and will be fined, the police also detained 45 people including 25 people staying in the country illegally.

“The most important thing is that we are able to co-operate in an integrated way and that the different police services can deploy a large police force in the field in order to tackle subjective feelings of insecurity and to show that we are present en masse in all stations,” said a police spokesman.

The police say that Thursday’s massive operation will not be a one-off and further checks can be expected.