Environment: Zero waste to save our ecosytem


Not only are these habits healthier but they are also economical. A motivating factor for businesses to produce toxic free material and manufacture less, enables them to reduce costs. Some grocery shops have stopped providing plastic bags, others sell without packaging. Organic shops take it a step further by selling in bulk. Some stores are even making their products out of recyclable and non-toxic chemicals. Some coffee shops will give a small reduction on your beverage when you use a reusable tumbler or thermos instead of their disposable paper or plastic cup. A new trend of shops called minimalist is starting to appear in cities that sell just a select few items to encourage people to buy, consume and live with the least waste possible. People who go minimalist generate no waste and live off of just a select few items.

Reducing the consumption and production of waste is one thing, cleaning up streets and seas is another. But living 100% zero waste starts on an individual level. It starts with a change in our habits. It starts from the moment we buy something to the moment we consume it. Zero waste is focused on simple, organic living and no packaging. No paper or plastics needed. It is about selecting what you buy and only what you need. It privileges quality over quantity, space over clutter. Living a quality life also means knowing what you are buying and having a use for it. It is doing the math before you open your wallet.

We’ve produced so much waste over the last decades that it is coming back to us. We have so much of it that we don’t know what to do with it. Today we own the consequences of our behaviour of decades ago. The good news is that you can create change on your level. It may seem overwhelming to start, but there are a few simple things you can do that can make difference in your lives which can have an impact on others. Fill up your own reusable bottle. Shop with and reuse your tote bag. Buy items in bulk and store them in reusable materials. It’s not just about consuming less but also smarter. Start by cleaning out your home, make small changes at work, take initiatives at your health club and lead community projects. The record holder for producing the least amount of waste in a year was able to fit her trash in a glass jar. What is your goal for reducing the amount of trash you produce? The world changes when you decide to change.