In Belgium: The Joys Of Wallonia


In Belgium: Together takes a wander through the joys of Wallonia.

Tourisme Namur – Trail in Famenne: Being out of breath is the most exciting feeling runners experience. Most people think it’s just because they’re pushing their body to the limit, but it’s not. Deep in Wallonia, in the Province of Namur, the landscape and trails can transport you to another world. ‘Trail in Famenne’ is a network of trails providing several distances (from 5km to 40km) and difficulties. You’ll find more information on:

Stavelot Abbey – The Legendary National Geographic Exhibition: For the first time in Belgium, the legendary National Geographic – 130 years of travel and exploration exhibition has come to Stavelot Abbey in Wallonia.  In 1888, a small group of adventurers, scientists and explorers set out to discover the world, its wonders and its mysteries. They trekked through impenetrable jungles, reached the poles, plunged into abysses, conquered the Himalayas, discovered the secrets of the animal world, and looked toward the stars. They very soon began to photograph and recount what they saw in a modest bulletin that was destined to become the National Geographic magazine. This exhibition charts the highlights of more than 130 years of adventure through a hundred photographs.

The exhibition presents six themes, supported by video reports: 1) Further, higher, deeper; 2) On the trail of lost worlds; 3) The time of epics (the Yellow Cruise and the MegaTransect); 4) The photographic adventure (five exceptional photographers); 5) Approaching the animal world; 6) Eight iconic National Geographic portraits. Check the website for prices.