Joining: a new way to meet people


Joining is a new platform where you can meet new people who enjoy doing similar things. It started in the Netherlands six months ago and just recently launched in Belgium.

The site is popular among expats, drawing on the loneliness of being far away from friends and family. Through Joining, expats, and non-expats, can expand their social circle and participate in fun activities. It makes meeting new people less overwhelming and stressful.

Evert Schraven, the founder of Joining, cited Brussels’ large expat community as a reason for launching here.

Schraven says, “Besides the high demand, it was a natural move for us given that Belgium has around 600,000 expats, mainly located in Brussels and we felt it was the right time to open up our services to a larger audience.”

How Joining works is simply create an account, add what interests you and then attend the events that others post or post your own. Simple as that.