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Wine focus: A new estate in Pouilly-Fuissé
This month in our wine focus article we focus on the Vignoble du Mâconnais region.
The Domaine des Boutires, which was acquired in 2016 by...
Wine books: TASCHEN Dali’s The Wines of Gala
This month we focus on wine books with an eccentric but serious look at a Dalíesque grouping of fine wines.
Hot on the heels (or...
Wine tips: Château la Verrerie, a prehistoric site
This week in our regular wine tips we head for South Luberon to check out a chateau with a very long history of winemaking.
Wine tips: Château la Verrerie – A prehistoric site
In our regular wine tips article we head for South Luberon to check out a chateau with a very long history of winemaking.
The omens...
Burgundy wine: Protecting a region’s heritage
This month Bernard Gauvrit explains the work that is going into protecting Burgundy wine heritage.
In Burgundy (Bourgogne), a Climat is the name for a...
Steiermark wine: Steep hills, keen Austrian wines
This month we head for the hills to find out about Steiermark wine and the ‘Steirische Terroir & Klassikweingüter'.
Steep slopes at high elevations, unpredictable...
Catalan wine: Bodega Iniesta Minuto 116
This month we look at Catalan wine and a family vineyard that has a very famous son.
Located in the heart of La Manchuela, between...
WineOLED: The perfect lamp for wine lovers
WineOLED proves that the art of wine tasting has never been so closely linked to the world of design and technology.
Italian company Deslabs has...
Wine tips: Eastern European wine history
Geoffroy van Lede from Le Vin du Mois offering his wine tips and asks: What if New World wines were not as far away...
Biodynamic wine: Magic in a bottle
Geoffroy van Lede of le-vin-du-mois.be looks at winemakers who are in balance with nature by producing biodynamic wine.
What do the Domaine de la Romanée–Conti...