Personal Development: Is This True?


Personal Development: Intuitive Healer Katarina Winslow reflects on a fundamental question: Is This True?

To ask for more truth is essential in healing yourself, solving a problem and finding innovative solutions. Truth is the surest way to find more answers to a discordant state of mind, a problematic situation or a chaotic world. This fundamental question about what is real is part of Byron Katie’s meditation practice The Work. ‘Is this true?’ is a question that changes perspectives, reveals new answers and allows you to see things differently. Most often when we are feeling stuck there is a blind spot somewhere, there is something that we have failed to understand about ourselves, others or a situation. By digging deeper into our beliefs about ourselves and asking more questions about what we believe is true we open up to see things in a new light, and we may let go of the thought, feeling or psychological state that kept us in the dark.

In the same spirit, Ayn Rand said in 1947 in her philosophical system Objectivism that all evil comes from the absence of thought. Let us face the truth, in any group, politics or
dogma there is in general a huge part of absence of thought. The system we have created, with separation and belonging to different groups and political structures, comes with a massive blind spot. And the blind spot is that once we belong to something exterior to ourselves, an organization, religion or other dogma we stop thinking, stop questioning.

A Course in Miracles, a unique spiritual self-study program designed to awaken us, is getting to the same core problematic by saying: “I am willing to see this differently.” To be able to ask more questions and to see things differently is a psychological reality for personal healing. It is when we ask questions that we find answers. In these times the same holds true for global healing – we need to step out of the unspoken laws of any structure, and all ask ourselves more questions about truth.

Just as in personal healing you need to be fearless in your search for truth because truth is always the answer. The macro cosmos of our micro cosmoses reflects the same reality. To heal society, we need to get to the truth. Einstein said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This universal truth is especially relevant if something is created based on a lie. When deceived or manipulated, you will never find an answer by analysing the degree of deceit or manipulation; there are no answers in the degree or the nuance of a lie. The answer is in going beyond the myth. Just as in personal development and self- healing, we need to go deeper and look at the motivations that created a set of beliefs. In personal healing, by going deeper, we find many unexpected answers, and we finally arrive at the motivation, protection, or illusion that made us feel the way we do to untie the knots of our illusionary selves.