Personal Development: Sex, Sexuality & Sensuality


Sex, sexuality, sensuality: According to Access Consciousness guru’s Dain Heer and Gary Douglas, there are different ways to approach physicality, and words are narrowing the scope, working as distractors to our real needs. For instance, if you ask yourself at various moments of the day: “What body would I like now? What would bring me pleasure right now?” You will be surprised that sometimes you’ll get the most awkward answers: for me it has been “hanging out at the pool in a sexy swimsuit” and that made my day. I felt aroused but wasn’t sure that my body wanted sex (intercourse, penetration). Sometimes it simply wants to feel the sensualness (as vibratory beings). Being in nature is also very sensual when all our senses are open, we breath deeper and all our cells feel more alive. Intercourse as such is just a very small part of sexualness.

They also bring a very interesting theory on the five elements of intimacy (we’ve had a previous article on that topic) where they preconize healthy relationships built on: Trust, allowance, faith, sacred sex, Kundalini and the divine connection…

In Hindu tradition, the tantric school has developed a few protocols of bringing sex and sensuality to another level, thus allowing the enlightening and healing aspect to take over. As such, real tantra (not the name given to some branch of prostitution) is used to enhance creative manifestation of life and the divine on earth. It is very important to release blocked energy, through chakra healing. This can be done through Kundalini activation too. There are beautiful books on a real tantric education. I suggest books by French author Daniel Odier for example, who had the chance to be initiated to this branch of spirituality by a Tantrika in India, on the upsides of a sacred river.

Annie Dieu-Le-Veut writes about the occult cause of the Madonne and the whore complex and explains that the Roman Catholic Church has spent a lot of time arguing over whether Mary Magdalene really was a prostitute. According to her, it has given rise to the Madonna/Whore complex, which some men suffer from when they are rooted in base consciousness, and cannot see both the Madonna (Virgin Mary) and Sacred Whore (Mary Magdalene) in the same woman and therefore need different partners to serve those different needs.

In shaman work, the spirits that govern the land of our ancestors are the spirits of Sovereignty that, on the energetic level, are a huge force that gushes forth from the Rivers of Blood or the DNA of the ancestors that are buried in the land. It reaches the emotional intelligence of the people through the portals of these spiritual conduits, an Elder race whose role it is to guide the spiritual evolution of human beings. From the evidence going back for thousands of years, it is clear that there were specialized women shamans and high priestesses who were known as Hierodules that were in touch with the spirits of the land, and were able to transmit their wisdom to the king or pharaoh through sacred sex practices on his coronation night. These became known as Sovereignty rites because through them the king’s inner cosmic serpents were invoked to rise up and fire up his higher brain centres.

The serpents arise from the genital region and then criss-cross the djed, or energetic spinal column, until they reach the chalice of the cup-shaped hypothalamus. The heads of the two
serpents then rest in the rim of the hypothalamus and from their mouths issue droplets of sweet elixir that stream down the inside of the chalice until they reach the pineal gland which is nestled like a pine cone at its base. Once the pineal gland is bathed in these nectars, it fires up the crown chakra, thus opening up a portal to a huge library of wisdom akin to the Akashic Records, which the king then has access to. This in turn gave him the wisdom to rule – to bring order from chaos, just as the deluge hero of myth conquers the sea serpent to separate the land from the watery chaos.

With growing inter cultural mixes, we get to choose how we want to handle our drive, and are potentially prepared to live any and all the parts of it. Amen.

Find out more about Esther Perel.